I took ten years of piano lessons. My teacher was the soul of patience. She needed to be, believe you me. Mrs. Domasco was fabulous. She has perfect pitch. That was an advantage for her and the bane of my lessons. Nothing slipped by her. Not one wrong note. I think she could even sense if I was using the wrong fingering for a scale or intricate passage of notes. She is one of those persons with a condition known as synesthesia, a rare neurological condition in which two or more of the senses entwine. Mrs, Domasco could hear colors. Don't ask me how it works; it just does. All these years later, I wish I had been a better student. I wish I had learned to "sight read" music. I can still play, but couldn't make a dime at it. So I'm relegated to "Happy Birthday" and church hymns and a Christmas Carol or two. Today she lives in Texas and, among other things, composes Advent Hymns for her church. As any church musician knows, there is always need for liturgically and theologically correct Advent Hymns. The occasion for this pastor's memo is Fredrick Chopin's birthday; March 1, 1810. Mrs. Domasco introduced me to his Preludes and for that I am forever thankful. Maybe one day I'll sit down and re-learn a couple of them. It would sure bring back happy memories.
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