2/26/2025 6:32:19 AM
March, 2025
March 2025 E-Navigator Address: P.O. Box 9,
Syracuse, IN 46567
Email: syrcalv@kcaccess.com
Website: www.syracusecalvaryumc.org
From Pastor Paul
I came across this little devotional and thought I would share it with you.
Leaving Space
By L. Osman
“Make a left up there, I know we’re close!”
I nodded and followed my instructor’s directions. The sudden lane change was tricky and now the light was taking forever to turn green.
“Don’t pull up so close to a car at a red light. Someone might hit you from behind and you’ll smash the car in front of you. Always leave space so that you can see their back tires on the pavement.”
I sighed, a little loud.
"The light’s green.”
“I know dad.”
I could feel the stress rising as the swelter of the summer day dripped down my back. My father, brother, aunt and I were on a mission to retrace our family history in their old hometown. Apparently, it was on every street.
“This is where it should be, but the house numbers are all wrong and there’s no dormers.” He paused. “Go ask that lady who’s watering her lawn if she knows anything.”
So that’s what I did, because even when you are in your 50’s you still follow your father’s commands and impromptu driving lessons. As I stepped out of the car, my brother and I exchanged a teasing look. I glanced over at my aunt and saw that the twinkle was back in her eyes. It had been quite a journey.
A few minutes later I returned to tell dad he was right. This had been the site of my aunt’s foster home, but the 1910 bungalow had been torn down years ago and was replaced by the stucco monstrosity in front of us. His “I told you so!” smirk almost took up the whole front seat.
“We better get moving. We’ve got a few more places to see before the traffic gets bad”, he announced.
Although we weren’t our normal chatty selves, we were having a nice time. It still felt awkward to be together. Anyone driving past probably thought we were a bunch of lost tourists or a family out for a Sunday drive. Both of those scenarios were true, but most of all we were a miracle.
It had been a little over two years since my aunt and brother were homeless; living in a campsite, drowning in one bad decision after another. Help wasn’t necessarily wanted, and all relations were strained. But my dad had found his way into the mess one kindness at a time. A tent here, some food there and daily visits with words of hope. It was the beginning of a long road that had gotten us to where we were today.
“You forgot to leave space again!”, dad blurted out followed by a chuckle. He was right. I couldn’t see the tires on the road where the car in front of me had stopped. I backed up a little and let out my own grin. The peanut gallery in the back seat joined in with their wisecracks and for a moment a sense of normalcy filled the air.
My dad was right all those months ago too. I couldn’t see how my aunt and my brother could reverse the path they were on, but he was compelled to go the extra mile. His love went longer and deeper than anyone else’s could. But even he knew he had to leave space. Space for them to ponder, space to let love grow and most of all, to leave space for a miracle.
The Bible verse Colossians 1:17 “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” has always been a favorite of mine. To me, it’s talking about “leaving space”. Space for God to come in and “hold all things together” where nothing else was ever meant to be. Like mortar between bricks on a wall, only God’s perfect love can fill in the gaps where healing and strength are needed. I still have a lot to learn from my Father in heaven and my father on earth, but I can hear them both saying, “Don’t forget to leave space… for the miracles.”
See You Sunday,
Pastor Paul
Pastor Paul Burris Weekly Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Church: 574-457-3778 Pastor’s cell phone: 260-609-9260
Church Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Calvary United Methodist Church
Breakthrough Prayer Initiative
Miraculous God of Breakthroughs, speak, show, and inspire us where your Spirit is leading next for Calvary Church and in our own lives. Open doors that will usher in a new season of creativity, faithfulness, and fruitfulness in the name of Jesus. And together grant us boldness, courage, and power without limits to step through the doors you open, in Christ’s name. Amen.
Upper Room
The March/April issues are available in the narthex for your free copy.
You are in our Thoughts and Prayers
Please Pray for our church family and friends: NOTE: Only names written on the prayer cards, given directly to Pastor Paul, or called into the office will be on the prayer list and Guidelines for Prayer. Prayer requests will remain on the list until the person who requested it asks to have it removed.
One person can make a difference!
NURSERY! Needs your help to take care of the little ones for an hour during Worship! If the Lord lays it on your heart to help guide these little ones to know Jesus, please sign up for Nursery time on one Sunday a month!
Where Are you called to Serve at Calvary?
As part of our recent (ongoing) Prayer Initiative, we have all been challenged to come to a better understanding as to how the Spirit is moving in our daily lives. A big part of the process is coming to the realization that we have all been gifted with special talents that are to be utilized in building the kingdom at Calvary UMC and in the community that we serve. In I Corinthians chapter 12 Paul reminds us that every gift from God is special and important. We are created by God, and He loves us. By acknowledging the spiritual gifts from God, we are glorifying Him. Each gift has the ability to help draw others to a relationship with the Lord. God’s people are like a body with many parts, yet those parts work together. Even though there are many people in the world, we can work together to share His love and glory. Every person has a purpose and is gifted by the Holy Spirit.
We are looking for people who are willing to provide much needed leadership which would enable us to carry out God’s mission here at Calvary. There are several areas, and committees you could serve such as: Trustees, Worship, Finance & Stewardship, Administrative Council, Staff-Parish Relations, Missions, Congregational Care, Prayer Team, Funeral Dinners, Nominations etc. etc… Please carefully consider where God might be calling you to be in ministry. If you feel you have been called, or need more information, concerning any area of ministry please feel free to contact Pastor Paul or Roz Schwartz. We are all part of the same body here at Calvary. It is going to take a group effort for us to make a difference in the community that we serve.
Food Pantry
Food Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. Specific items you can bring for March are Spaghetti and Pasta Sauce. These items can be placed in the narthex and a volunteer from our church will take them to the Syracuse Food Pantry.
The Outreach Missions continue to support the food pantry will be Pack the Pantry with food four times a year.
Please keep the ones in need in your prayer!
March 2025
Monday *The Lenten Bible study 6:15 pm (3, 10, 17, 24, and 31)
Tuesday Ladies Bible Study 1:00 pm (4, 11, 18, and 25)
5 Ash Wednesday the sanctuary will be open 1-2 pm
for anyone wishing to receive the Imposition of the Ashes.
11 Tuesday Stewardship Finance 5:30 am
11 Tuesday Church Council 6:30 am
13 Thursday Red Cross 12:00 – 5:00 pm
13 Thursday Staff Parish 5:00 pm
14 Friday Free Community Dinner 5:30 – 6:30 pm
26 Wednesday R.O.M.E.O.S. 11:30 am at The Sleepy Owl
26 Wednesday Martha/Ruth Circle 1:00 pm
Calvary United Methodist Welcomes our community.
Our long-standing Free Community Dinner (2nd Friday of the month) is scheduled for Friday March 14, from 5:30-6:30. Take-out or dine in options are available.
*The Lenten Bible study will begin 6:15 pm Monday March 3 using the book
“Mosaic: When God Uses All the Pieces.” By Shane Stansford.
The book offers daily devotions throughout Lent. Even those who cannot attend may want to pick up a copy on Amazon, the cost is $7.49.
But those attending the Bible study will have book costs covered.
Family Fun Night is canceled for now.
Adult Sunday School is now studying Psalms.
Greeters for March are Joan & Leonard Kline.
We need a volunteer to take over J.U.L.I.E.T.S. if you are interested, please call the office.
Altar Flowers Needed
Every Sunday
If you would like to contribute or donate to altar flowers, in honor or remembrance please call the church office at (457-3778) or email the church at syrcalv@kcaccess.com. Some ideas are flowers for anniversaries, birthdays, our children, and grandchildren and to God’s glory. NOTE: If you have silk flowers you no longer need, consider donating them to the church. Sherri will use them to make arrangements for the church. You can leave them on a shelf upstairs across from the Peace Room.
Thoughts from Bashor Home
By Dan Wolschlager
For the past few months I have been reading through the Old Testament in the Bible. Many people struggle with the Old Testament because of the violence and wrath of many of the stories that occur. God is often described as “Vengeful” or “Wrathful” and seeking to punish his people. This gives many the idea that God is here only to judge and punish us and it is difficult in comparison to the loving message that the New Testament sends. However, that is not who God is. The Old Testament highlights just how loving and caring God truly is. Throughout the Old Testament, the theme that sticks out is everyone’s rejection of God, yet God continues to love them and care for them. God is treated so poorly by his people, yet he continues to support them and not give up on them, even in the harshest of circumstances. So wherever you are in life, whether you know God or have given up on Him, know that God is still there for you.
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